Servite Friars, Province of Isles are religious men in community, serving God's people in the UK and Ireland following Mary.
Prior Provincial
Vicar Prior Provincial
Provincial Secretary
Provincial Councilor
Provincial Councilor
The Servite Friars are a community gathered together in the name of the Lord Jesus. They live in communion with one another so as to be at the service of God and people drawing abiding inspiration from Mary, Mother and Servant of the Lord.
Our Order, a community of brothers in Christ, is sent to extend its fraternity today to all people divided by reason of age, nationality, race, religion, wealth, and education.
Desiring to express the charism of the Order, we give ourselves in service to others and so prolong the living presence of the Mother of Jesus in the history of salvation.
Go into all the world and preach the Gospel (Matthew 28:16). Sign up and drop a message to us!
Servite Friars, province of the Isles / Charity Number England 249148, Ireland 20025908. Our website provides news about religious life and pastoral ministry of Friar Servants of Mary in England, Northern Ireland and in the Republic of Ireland.
In Domina Nostra Speramus / In Our Lady we trust
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