Religious Life Group (RLG) is an Institute of Consecrated Life or Society of Apostolic Life which operates a parish or parishes in which the Church and any associated parish properties are owned by the RLG charitable trust and which is/are located within the geographical area covered by the Diocese.
The Diocese is a Catholic diocese within the Catholic Church of England and Wales led by a Diocesan Bishop.
RLG Parishes operate with the permission of the relevant Diocesan Bishop, who also has doctrinal oversight of the RLG Parish. However, the parties acknowledge and agree that this ecclesiastical communion of the RLG Parish does not place on the Diocesan Bishop or the Diocese any responsibility in civil law for the operations of the RLG Parishes.
The parties acknowledge and agree that the RLG is responsible for all aspects of the operation of the RLG Parish, including ensuring that all relevant safeguarding obligations are met. Accordingly, the RLG has appointed the Religious Life Safeguarding Service (RLSS) to provide safeguarding services to the RLG to help the RLG to comply with its duties.
The RLG is not able to provide the RLG Parishes with all the safeguarding support they require and so, to promote the highest standards of safeguarding, the Diocese has agreed to work with the RLG to ensure effective safeguarding arrangements are implemented in RLG Parishes. So the agreement is to formalise this relationship with the intention of clarifying the roles and responsibilities of each party.
The RLG is ultimately responsible for all aspects of the operation of the RLG Parish, including for safeguarding.
The RLG is responsible for nominating a member of the RLG community to act as the parish priest and where required, another member of the community to act as assistant priest. In reliance upon the RLG's nominations accordance with the Canon Law, the Diocesan Bishop will grant faculties to the Parish Priest and any assistant priest (s).
The RLG shall ensure that:
a) the Parish Priest is in good standing, holds a celebret, and has a valid enhanced DBS check which is refreshed by the RLG at least every three (3) years.
b) Any other members of the RLG community residing in the RLG Parish are in good standing, receive regular safeguarding training, and have an enhanced DBS check which is refreshed by the RLG at least every three (3) years.
c) the Parish Priest and any other members of the RLG community ministering in the RLG Parish attend (or if online, complete) the safeguarding training arranged by the Diocese for parish clergy and all members of the RLG community receive regular safeguarding training.
Updates on Safeguarding Services Agreement in progress.......
In October 2016 the Prior Provincial of The Friar Servants of Mary (Servites) in Ireland signed up to the Safeguarding Children: Policy and Standards for the Catholic Church in Ireland 2016. This Policy has been adopted by all constituent bodies of the Catholic Church in Ireland in December 2015 (Conference of Religious in Ireland and the Irish Missionary Union, the two foregoing now known as Association of Missionaries and Religious of Ireland (AMRI) and the Irish Bishops’ Conference).
The Friar Servants of Mary (Servites) uphold the safety of children as paramount.
In October 2016 the Prior Provincial of The Friar Servants of Mary (Servites) in Ireland signed up to the Safeguarding Children: Policy and Standards for the Catholic Church in Ireland 2016 and procedures based on associated Guidance. This Policy was adopted by all constituent bodies of the Catholic Church in Ireland in December 2015.
In October 2014 we invited the National Board for Safeguarding of Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland (NBSCCCI) to audit our safeguarding policy and practice. The NBSCCCI published this review on Feb 10th 2015. A copy of the review can be downloaded here. Since then in accordance with the recommendations of the NBSCCCI Review Report, the Order has revised its safeguarding structure and appointed key safeguarding personnel. We renew our commitment to work in partnership with the NBSCCCI and civil authorities to strive towards the highest level of child safeguarding practices in all our Servite ministries and locations on the island of Ireland.
On behalf of the Servite Order, I apologise unreservedly for the hurt caused to persons by any of our friars and for their betrayal of the trust placed in them.
Anyone who may have safeguarding concerns regarding the Servite Friars is invited to contact our Designated Liaison Person (DLPs) whose contact details are provided elsewhere on this site.
Signed: Colm Mc Glynn OSM Provincial Delegate for Safeguarding in Ireland
As a constituent member of the Catholic Church in Ireland, we recognise and uphold the dignity and rights of all children, are committed to ensuring their safety and well-being, and will work in partnership with parents/guardians to do this. We recognise each child as a gift from God, and we value and encourage the participation of children in all activities that enhance their spiritual, physical, emotional, intellectual and social development.
All Church personnel (including clergy, religious, staff and volunteers) have a responsibility to safeguard children through promoting their welfare, health and development in a safe and caring environment that supports their best interests and prevents abuse.
Details of Personnel to Contact if you are Concerned about the Welfare and Safety of Children
DLP: Elizabeth Manning: 00 353 87 3291928 (Designated Liaison Person/DLP for OSM)
Deputy DLP: Fr. Liam Tracey osm: 00 353 (0) 87 236 9382(Deputy Designated Liaison Person/DLP for OSM)
STATUTORY AUTHORITIES Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland
Gateway Team: Armagh and Dungannon Team, South Tyrone Hospital, Carland Road, Dungannon BT71 4AU. Tel: 028 8771 3506.
PSNI/ Police Service of Northern Ireland: Tel: 0044 (0) 845 600 8000
An Garda Siochána: Garda National Protective Services Bureau, Harcourt St. Dublin 2 in respect of clerical abuse notifications 01 666 3445 or 01 666 3438. Any Garda Station for other personnel. Child Sexual Abuse Free-Phone: 1800 555 222.
Tusla: Central Clerical Reporting Office,2nd Floor, Unit4.5 Nexus Building, Blanchardstown Corporate Park 1,Ballycoolin, Dublin 15. Phone number: 01-8976888
The Servite Friar, Province of the Isles is a registered charity with charity numbers: 249148 and IRL 20025908. Our website provides news about the religious life and pastoral ministry of Friar Servants of Mary in England, Ireland and Northern Ireland. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2025